
A Year of Growth and Gratitude

As another great year comes to a close, we at Fazenda want to thank you, our loyal guests, and our Team Members, who made 2023 so memorable.

First and foremost, we are sincerely grateful to the guests who continued to visit our restaurants and enjoy this Experience from the Pampas we work hard to perfect. It was a challenging year with ongoing soaring costs - food ones rose to 25% - but despite all the hard parts we got to welcome and delight so many of you with a taste of South America. We could not do this without your continued support.


2023 was also a year of progress for Fazenda as we made great strides towards our sustainability goals. Our efforts truly developed, with over 140,000 new trees planted at our Fazenda Forest (this time last year we had planted 15,000). Our joint efforts are moving us closer to our 2030 carbon neutrality goal, Fazendeiros.

Team Development

Something we do on an ongoing basis is concentrate efforts and resources in training and development for our Teams. We believe in empowering our current and future leaders with the right tools for their growth.


Our restaurants were nominated and shortlisted across a number of awards, with Fazenda Birmingham winning the Taste of the West Midlands and Networking Venue of the Year. As a company we were also truly proud to receive the International Green Apple Awards Gold Certificate for our carbon neutrality project efforts.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The ongoing commitment we have with our corporate social responsibility saw us contribute over £10,000 this year towards some incredible causes and charities, among them Action Against Hunger, Cyrenians, Support Ukraine and The Hive (Wirral Youth Zone).

Back to our Roots

The trip to Argentina and Brazil Fran Martinez and I did earlier in the year was an incredible opportunity for us to reconnect with our roots, be inspired and therefore bring to you, our guests, new dishes from the Pampas.


Last but not least, the highlight of our year was undoubtedly the successful launch of Fazenda Bishopsgate in the UK capital this past summer. Our first central London restaurant introduced countless new guests to the Fazenda Experience. The positive response we have received has exceeded our expectations and further reaffirmed that Fazenda hospitality transcends borders.

As we reflect back on new friends, new restaurants, and new beginnings this past year, we are filled with immense gratitude. From all of us at Fazenda, thank you for being part of this. We can’t wait to share with you the changes, challenges and investments we'll be making in 2024.

Warm regards to you and yours. Wishing you a truly happy new year!

Tomás Maunier