Mother's Day

Picanha Steak at Fazenda

Celebrate el Dia das Mães with your loved ones, with each Mother receiving a small gift as a token of our appreciation.

Allergen Information

Please alert our Team of any allergies when making a reservation. You can do this by adding yours and/or your guests' requirements in the comments section when making a reservation online or by telling our team directly either over the phone or in person. Please also inform your waiter/tress of any allergy you might suffer from before you order or consume any food or drink during your visit.

In the restaurant, we have allergen information for the key 14 allergens outlined by law, displayed on our menus, at the Market Table and allergen charts. Here, it will specify which food items we know contain any of the 14 key allergens. Please note that even though we always follow safe and hygienic food handling procedures we cannot guarantee there won't be any cross-contamination in our food or drinks, either by us or from our supply chain.

If your allergy is not part of the key 14 allergens, we cannot guarantee that your allergen is not present in our food as the law only concerns the 14 key allergies. Therefore, our suppliers have no legal obligation to list the allergen as an ingredient in products.

Regardless of whether your allergy is from the key 14 allergy or otherwise, we can provide you with our reduced-risk allergy option. These options cannot eliminate the chance of cross-contamination entirely, but are the most reduced-risk options. For this, we will prepare a selection of freshly washed and chopped vegetables and sides items specifically for you and of your choice. For our selection of meats, we recommend you choose from joints of meats which are seasoned only with salt and oil. This meat selection would include: Picanha (Cap of Rump), Alcatra (Rump), Contra Filet (Sirloin), Tritip (Bottom Sirloin) and Bife Ancho (Ribeye). We recommend that you do not take any meats which have been marinated, or any of the sausages.

Meats are subject to change with supply but our restaurants will always have the latest allergy updates.