In Brazil, the rump cap or ‘Picanha’ is the most sought after cut of beef; and we're not the slightest bit surprised as this is a truly delicious and special cut. So don’t be scared and ask your butcher to get one for you. But before you buy, take a closer look at the history and cooking methods for this little known Brazilian gem.
In an area south of Brazil the branding iron used to mark the cattles is called a 'picanha'. Over time, the body part of the animal that gets branded adopts the name of the instrument that does the branding.
But it doesn’t matter where the name comes from, the main thing is that you enjoy every single piece! Here are a few tips for doing just that.
When buying picanha, here at Fazenda we suggest that it should weigh less than 1.3kg. Anything more than that and it is most likely you will be paying for part of the Silverside (a tougher part of the animal attached to the Picanha cut). The fat layer should be about 1.5cm thick - any less and this means the cattle was raised and fed in an unfit manner. The colour of the fat should be white and firm to touch.
As for the actual cooking part, picanha is often cooked over high heat such as a BBQ, so if you’re a fan of black pepper and don’t want it to burn up in the process, add it afterwards. We highly recommend that you heavily salt the meat before cooking. It’s important to use rock salt instead of sea salt because the latter will most likely ruin your picanha.
I’ve put together a very simple recipe based on oven roasting Picanha which will serve around 4 guests:
The ideal way of cooking picanha is over an open-flame grill with natural wood charcoal - not just because of the difference in taste but also because of the whole experience of outdoor cooking! This is a huge part of South American culture. However, oven-roasted picanha is an excellent alternative for those who prefer to cook indoors with much less labour involved. This is an easy way to satisfy your cravings for picanha until you’re ready and ambitious enough to build your own grill! Or you can always just visit us and satisfy them with a bottle of one of our finest Malbecs to accompany it.