Viña Leyda Wine Dinners

Viña Leyda Wine

Indulge in a five-course menu expertly paired with Viña Leyda's stunning vintages this March across our restaurants...


Meet Peter - Deputy General Manager at Fazenda Liverpool

This week we met up with Peter (also known as Piotr) our deputy general manager at Fazenda Liverpool and asked him a few questions about both work and life so you could get to know him a little better, Fazendeiros.

Tell us your Fazenda Story

Well, if you would like me to go for the whole story it might take a while as this year will be my 10th year with Fazenda. However, I will try my best to keep it short and sweet.
I started my Fazenda adventure just a month after Fazenda Liverpool opened, the second one with Fazenda Leeds being the first one and really well established already. Side note: Fazenda was new in the city, so was I, as I had just moved in from Wales where I lived for a few years. I remember coming in for the interview and being absolutely blown away not only by the very sophisticated décor but also by the warm and homely feel to it. I got offered the waiter position with immediate start. Fast forward a few years and I was moving to senior waiter, floor supervisor and unexpectedly to Reception Manager. This took me out of my comfort zone a little bit… however it is relatively proven that nothing exciting happens when you are in it. I gained tons of extremely useful experience, on top of the years of being a waiter and a supervisor which had driven forward my carrier and future opportunities. From reception I moved to be an Assistant Manager and recently Deputy General Manager. Needless to say, that along the years with new positions came new challenges and tons of new experiences, which are things I think everyone needs to grow in their professional lives.

Share with us a moment of success from the last few months that made you feel utter pride.

Being a born optimist, I can find hundreds of those, however…now in January we are leaving our busiest month behind. This past December was the first post-pandemic festive period with no restrictions, and it was remarkably busy for us in Liverpool. Every December is planned and prepared for months in advance and this year I can say it was an enormous success. All departments worked really well and extremely hard so needless to say it is a pleasure to be part of this Team.

Favourite city in the world you have visited

Tough one, however I need to go for Luxor, Egypt which I was lucky to visit few years back. First and foremost, when you are entering the ancient complex of Luxor temples built around 3400 years ago you can’t get the thought out of your mind that this massive project was completed without power tools, electricity or an iPhone. The second thing is that when you stand in the middle of it and you see how massive everything around is, you feel very small and so do any problems you think you have. I found it very therapeutical. Third I had been told not to eat street food as apparently European stomachs are very sensitive (let’s just say). I’m a proud survivor of a raid on the food quarter where the food was just unbelievable!

What do you do to keep stress at bay?

I cook a lot. I find the process of preparing food very relaxing. Especially when you are doing something which you have never done before or you just cook with no recipe because you feel in the mood for a particular flavour (bonus if you can have a glass of wine during the process, but it’s not a must) Even better when you can throw a dinner party as a result!

Mountain or beach?

Absolutely and always - BOTH. There is always a time for everything. Beach in the summer; winter and late spring are reserved for mountains.

Favourite Fazenda Meat, Market Table dish and Dessert

That’s easy!
Picanha – everyone who has visited even once and eats beef knows what I’m talking about.
Feijoada – very close to the comfort food made in my home country Poland.
Marquise de Chocolate – I’m not really a ‘dessert person’ but this one just makes me happy.

Oh, that dessert is simply a favourite for many. Don't hesitate to say hello to Peter next time you visit us in Fazenda Liverpool, Fazendeiros!

Peter - DGM at Fazenda Liverpool